
Hikari Cichlid Gold Baby Pellet 250gr

Regular price €9,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,50 EUR
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Hikari Cichlid Gold Baby Pellet 250gr

Hikari Cichlid Gold Baby Pellet 250gr

Regular price €9,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,50 EUR
Color enhancing, daily diet for all types of cichlids and larger tropical fish. Great for oscars too! Hikari® Cichlid Gold® contains special color enhancers designed to bring out the natural beauty and proper form. We utilize the highest grade of ingredients formulated in exacting quantities to produce diets that will bring the brilliant colors of your fish to life!

-High in carotene and NS Germ
-High protein levels, improving growth rates
-Brings out natural, brilliant colors while reducing washed out colors
-A Uniquely Formulated Nutrient Mix
-Contains stabilized vitamin C to support immune system health
-Vitamin E offers increased amino acid levels
-Higher feed efficiency than competitive foods in this class
-Also great for larger tropical fish